Building horticultural knowledge with creativity
We aim to change the relationship Northernn Ireland people have with their food chain; to promote friendly, sustainable and ethical gardening and provide local employment opportunities. Why not try vegetable growing in your urban space....try our 1m Feedbank Challenge
About us.....
Northern Ireland has a new horticultural voice!
Building horticultural knowledge with creativity and bridging the experience gap from the grass roots - we are a hive of activity as a collective of growers, allotment owners, horticultural students, locally-grown produce outlets, designers, botanists, bee keepers, seed collectors

Good to Grow will provide....

General practical information for all
How to grow food & get in touch with nature - outreach targeted at future generations

Developing links between consumers, producers and trade
Helping promote in-season produce & attract pollinators

Up to date, timely advice on healthy living